In its first high-risk real-estate fund, TPG raised more than $2 billion in commitments. Although TGP is a relatively new force in the real-estate investment industry, the company began fundraising for the real-estate fund it just closed in the beginning of 2014. Reaching the ambitious goal of a $2 billion round was difficult even for the $75 billion asset management company.
Recently, investors have been hesitant to reenter the market after its downturn a few years ago. However, companies like TPG have demonstrated a successful track record, encouraging those with only their toe in the pond to take a dive. Investors are starting to see the benefits of high-stakes opportunity funds, making fundraising easier. Pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign-wealth funds, and other institutions are looking for ways to reap the benefits of the riskiest investments – and with recent European and US economic growth, ricky deals and more likely to pay off.
In 2015 alone, real-estate opportunity funds have raised over $47 billion. While this is a far cry from the 2008 $74.2 billion record, it’s an improvement from 2014. With a few months left in the year, private-equity real-estate opportunity funds have raised a total of $87.2 billion. TPG has started to rank among big name firms like Blackstone Group LP and KKR & Co. Blackstone’s second largest business endeavor is now real-estate funds, managing over $91 billion in assets.
One reason for TPG’s seemingly overnight success was their decision to invest in real-estate companies instead of individual properties. In 2014, they converted LifeStorage into one of the country’s top self-storage companies with almost 6 million square feet of space. TPG also controls the pan-European industrial platform, P3 Logistic Parks and plans to buy the Hungary-based developer, Trigranit. TPG hopes to tap into Polish real estate soon as the budding middle class acquires more disposable income.