As the middle man, your job is to facilitate successful home viewings, matching a potential buyer with the perfect fit. Whether they come in the form of a single family, bachelor or bachelorette, linking the buyer to a beautiful space in which they are willing to settle down should be top priority. However, there are many amateur mistakes beginner agents make, starting at the home viewing. Want to know how to avoid these faux pas? Check out the list below:
1. Avoid awkward run-ins with previous/current tenants.
One of the most uncomfortable situations cited by potential buyers and buyers’ agents was the current tenants or homeowners lingering around while clients previewed the home. Whether they were busy watching TV or making dinner, clients found the situation tense and unfavorable. Even worse, in some situations the previous or current tenant was found asleep in bed or taking a shower in the bathroom. In order to avoid such an awkward occurrence, be sure to give the previous owners ample time to clean the apartment and occupy their time outside of the home for the duration of the viewing.
2. “I’m so sorry! But, I can’t unlock the door.”
It is extremely frustrating to make an appointment to view a home, arrive on time, and have the agent realize they do not have the key to enter the premise. This makes the agent look extremely unprofessional and unprepared. Even if the seller has promised that the key “will be waiting in the lockbox” upon your arrival, it is the responsibility of the agent to ensure that the key is actually in place. Arriving 20 minutes before the scheduled appointment gives you enough time to review your notes, check for the key, and potentially reschedule the viewing should the key be missing.
3. Avoid an Overly Messy Home.
Not everyone has the ability to see through the mess. If the seller or renter has left the premise in an unkempt manner, it can deter the potential buyer from investing in the home. It’s a waste of time on behalf of everyone to show a less than presentable place. This goes for pet odor, trails of kitty litter, and slobbery chew toys. No one wants to rent a home they feel they’d need to hire an expert cleaner to take care of before they move in. Make a recommendation to the seller to have their home in order prior to any showings.
4. Exterminate Pests.
Along the same vein of keeping the home tidy, exterminating any and all pests prior to listing is highly recommended. Make sure the attic is free of bats or moths. Make sure the basement is free of rodents. And most important, make sure the kitchen is free of roaches. Even the slightest sign of pests will immediately turn a seller off. As the agent, make sure you take note of any and all potential problem areas on the premise.
5. Avoid Misleading Photographs and Listings.
Listing a home as a 2 bedroom apartment and then arriving to see the current tenants have turned it into 3 can be distracting and seem misleading. Bad paint jobs, missing doors, or exposed piping can also be a huge turn off for buyers. The agent should be upfront about potential DIY projects executed by the former/current tenants and the status of said home makeovers. Make sure the pictures for the listing are current and match the viewing. There nothing worse than seeing a completely different home from the one expected.
Avoiding these blunders will save time and make you a better agent.